Call out for memories

Image of workers during the construction of the Granton Gas Works

28 August 2024

Did you or a family member work at the Granton Gasworks? Do you have memories which you’d be happy to share? We’d love to hear from you!

To celebrate the opening of the Granton Gasholder Park later this year, we are planning an exhibition within the park exploring the heritage of the site. We would love to feature people’s memories and photos of the former Gasworks site – both old and new – as part of the display.

To share your photograph or memory, please email us at with the following information by Tuesday 1 October 2024.

  • Your name
  • A brief line on why you submitted this photograph or memory
  • A photograph of up to 10MB (ideally 300dpi) or
  • A memory of up to 80 words.

By submitting an entry, you are agreeing to give us permission to include your name and uploaded file/memory in a public exhibition and agree that you have permission from any people (or family) that are featured. We have limited space for submissions so unfortunately can only include a limited number, however we truly appreciate all of your contributions.