We’ve been consulting with local people at every stage of this project. We’ll continue to do this over the course of the development, to make sure local communities can influence the development of high-quality net zero affordable homes with integrated facilities and public space that they want and need nearby. Please see links below for current and recent consultations.
Current Consultations
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Previous Consultations
New Granton Waterfront Primary School
22 August – 3 October 2024
We shared proposals for the establishment of a new non-denominational primary school and nursery in the Granton Waterfront Development area in the north of Edinburgh.
Connecting Granton Waterfront
4 June – 16 July 2024
We shared proposals for a network of safe and well-connected routes as part of a walking, wheeling and cycling network for Granton Waterfront. The proposals included wider pavements, better cycling provision, placemaking improvements, improved landscaping and updates to key crossing points and junctions at Forthquarter Park, Waterfront Broadway, Waterfront Park, Waterfront Avenue, West Shore Road and the Promenade.
Granton Waterfront Heritage Survey
1 May – 29 May 2024
In July 2023, the City of Edinburgh Council was successful in securing funding for the “Development Phase” of the Heritage and Place Programme-backed project “Linking and restoring the fragmented heritage of Granton Waterfront, Edinburgh”. In May 2024, the Council undertook a public engagement exercise to share the vision and proposals for Granton’s heritage assets. The proposals include capital works to four listed buildings and structures as part of the scheme: Granton Castle Walled Garden, Granton Lighthouse, the Granton Station Square Platforms and Madelvic House.
Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) Granton Waterfront – Phase One
6 Jun – 4 July 2023
Ahead of the proposed full planning application for the Phase One residential-led development at Granton Waterfront, a series of events and online consultation was undertaken. We had a total of 92 event participants and 90 online respondents. Key concerns raised included parking and congestion, local amenities and community spaces. Following the consultation we hosted a “You Said, We Are Doing” event in August 2023 to outline changes made to the plans, including working with NHS Lothian to look at the potential of delivering medical facilities, considering a controlled parking zone, and integrating new play areas and pitch facilities.
Granton Waterfront – New Core Path Naming
11 October – 18 November 2022
We ran an online survey to select a street name for the new path connecting West Shore Road and Waterfront Avenue, which provides pedestrian to the Granton Castle Walled Garden and Social Bite Village. Following public consultation the winning name was Spiers Bruce Way in honour of William Spiers Bruce.
Granton Waterfront Community Benefits
24 January – 16 March 2022
We undertook a public engagement exercise to share the draft community benefits framework and gather views on what is most important to the community in relation to social, environmental and economic benefits. The highest-ranking community benefit was “Community Engagement and Improvement”. This consultation has informed the new Community Benefits Guidance for construction contracts.
Granton Gasholder Park
14 – 27 February 2022
In October 2021, the City of Edinburgh Council was successful in its bid to secure funding from the UK Government’s Levelling Up Fund to restore the Granton Gasholder. The Council undertook a public engagement exercise to share the vision and proposals for the future of the Granton Gasholder and gather views on how the space should be developed.
Granton Waterfront Learning Strategy Consultation
11 November 2021 – 31 January 2022
We invited the local community to tell us about what they want to learn, where learning could take place, why they learn, how they learn best and how their learning experience could be improved. This information helped to make decisions on how to further develop and implement key actions from the Granton Waterfront Learning Strategy.
Granton Station View Planning Pre-Application Consultation
20 May – 20 June 2021
Following a Proposal of Application Notice, we spoke to local people about the Granton D1 site, behind Granton Station, to provide mixed tenure homes.
Silverlea Planning Pre-Application Consultation
20 May – 10 June 2021
Following a Proposal of Application Notice, we spoke to local people about the Silverlea site, to provide 143 homes and greenspace at the former Silverlea Care Home.
Granton Station – New Public Square Naming
18 May – 8 June 2021
Through a public consultation it was determined that the new public square should be called “Station Square.” There were 362 respondents to the consultation overall with Station Square receiving the highest number of votes (76).
Granton Waterfront – Western Villages
26 October – 8 November 2020
Following a Proposal of Application Notice, we spoke to local people about the Western Villages site, to the west of Forthquarter Park, to provide mixed tenure homes.
Granton Waterfront Regeneration
2 November 2018 – 6 May 2019
This consultation exercise informed the development of the Granton Waterfront Development Framework. It took place over 3 stages between 2018 – 2019.